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Credit Guarantee Service Statistic

Unit: NT$ Million

Item  2019 2020(Jan-June)
 Guarantee provided   Case 352,814  1,094,361 
 Amount 1,029,377  677,859 
 Total amount supported  Amount 1,311,731  820,739 
 Outstanding guarantee liabilities  Amount 639,903  840,394 
 Outstanding credit Supported 822,740    1,033,623 
 Number of guaranteed enterprises 130,742  1,031,576


Unit: NT$ Million

From 1974 to the End of June, 2020
 No. of guaranteed enterprises since 1974 1,450,438 
 No. of cases guaranteed 8,564,622
 Amount guaranteed 15,028,956
 Amount supported 20,118,681
  1. US$1=NT$29.9 (June 30, 2020) 
  2. The above figures exclude the Student Loans, the Studying-abroad Student Loans, and the Youth Experiencing-abroad Loans of the Separated-Funds-Supported Credit Guarantee Programs.